General Syllabus and Class Operation
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Minnesota State Community and Technical College
M State
Tim Preuss Classes



Where is the class Zoom link information?

What is the fire or fire drill procedure?

What is the sever weather procedure?

What is the weather or other disaster cancellation procedure?

What is the process for sick or injured person in class?

What is the procedure for lock down?

What is a HyFlex course?

What are office hours?

What if I miss class?

What if I need to come late or leave class early?

What kind of computer do I need for class?

What are my wireless options?
    Wireless includes the eduroam information

How do I create and submit an article report?

How do I deal with a misgraded article report?

How do I submit labs?

What are the options if I cannot upload my work?

How do I deal with a misgraded lab?

How do I make up a missed quiz?

How do I report a misgraded quiz question?

What is a classroom professional environment?

What are the rules about plagiarism?

What is the late work procedure?

What is the issue with the course ethical foundations?

What do I need to know about email and other forms of communication?

What are the rules about using the class videos?

How do I access help for things that are not class related?

Classroom Management

Academic Integrity and Honesty Statement

Basic Needs Support

Counseling Services

Service Members

Title IX: Sexual Violence

Title IX: Pregnancy, Childbirth, & Breastfeeding

Where are the other rules found?



Where is the class Zoom link information?

What is the fire or fire drill procedure?

What is the severe weather procedure?

What is the weather or other disaster cancellation procedure?

What is the process for sick or injured person in class?

What is the procedure for lock down?

What is a HyFlex course?

What are office hours?

What if I miss class?

What if I need to come late or leave class early?

What kind of computer do I need for class?

What are my wireless options?

How do I create and submit an article report?

How do I deal with a misgraded article report?

How do I submit labs?

What are the options if I cannot upload my work?

How do I deal with a misgraded lab?

How do I make up a missed quiz?

How do I report a misgraded quiz question?

What is a classroom professional environment?

What are the rules about plagiarism?

What is the late work procedure?

What is the issue with the course ethical foundations?

What do I need to know about email and other forms of communication?

What are the rules about using the class videos?

How do I access help for things that are not class related?

How do I access veterans benefits?

Classroom Management

Accessibility Resources Statement







Basic Needs Support


Counseling Services




Title IX: Sexual Violence


Title IX: Pregnancy, Childbirth, & Breastfeeding

Where are the other rules found?


File Hash Values

SHA2-512 computer file hashes for Preuss-syllabus
SHA3-256 computer file hashes for Preuss-syllabus
SHA3-512 computer file hashes for Preuss-syllabus

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Originally Created: August 21, 2019
Modified:  February 1, 2024
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